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Service Design, UI Design

My role

UX researcher

UI designer


10 weeks



​Microsoft Office


Personal project

Sources of Project Ideas

I frequently interact with the NU digital and physical campuses. I want to learn more about NU students' interactions with them. So, I started to collect data about NU physical-digital interactions between myself and other NU students, especially international students. By collating the collected data, I want to gain a deeper understanding of these interactions.

Collect Data

After collecting the data, I communicated and shared my views and analysis of the data with three other NU students. I hope to find commonalities between the data and students’ actual campus life experiences, and better identify issues in the interaction between NU’s digital campus and its physical campus. After that, I organized the data into different sticky notes and grouped them. Also use KJ analysis to further explore the data.

I find that most interactions that are measured in hours in duration are very important. The quality of experience for interactive activities on an hourly basis is also generally good. Additionally, low-quality experiences focus on minute-by-minute interactions. Finally, low-importance interactions mostly last only a few seconds. At the same time, the experience quality of interactive activities with lower importance is not high.

Analyze Data

By collecting and analyzing data, I have drawn journey map and system diagram of my data. When drawing for the first time, I only focused on the general direction of the journey map and system diagram. However, many details are missing. So, I made some more modifications to the first drawing.


I focused on revising the thinking and feeling sections of the journey map. I put everything I've been through into a box. This helps better demonstrate how coherent my week-long interactive experience is.


Also, I added more nouns in the system diagram, such as professor, advisor, etc., and used more precise verbs to summarize the actions of each interaction. This better helps understand the components of Northeastern University and how the parts are organized and connected to each other.

Journey Map & System Diagram